Military service : সমর কৃত্যক;
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military service  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Abide with(সঙ্গে থাকা): If you would like to rest for a while, you can abide with me.
Count for(গণ্য বা বিবেচিত হওয়া): There can be no lasting peace without true democracy in which the people play a part and count for something.
Cruise to (জয় লাভ করা): The Bangladesh team cruised to their fifth successive win this afternoon.
Infested with (অতিষ্ঠ): The room is infested with rats.
Sorry for (দুঃখিত): He is sorry for his misdeeds.
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ABC - (প্রাথমিক জ্ঞান): I don't know the ABC of politics.
Burning question - (গুরুত্বপূর্ন বিষয়): Poverty problem is a burning question of our country.
Bad bargain (purchasing at a high price-বেশি দামে কেনা-n) You had a bad bargain of the watch I see.
Irony of fate (ভাগ্যের পরিহাস): He could not succeed by irony of fate.
Milk and honey – (প্রাচুর্য)- He lives with milk and honey.